On Aug 30, 12:57 pm, Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I checked the wiki and there is a generic Auth page, so if everybody
> could link their solutions there.
> http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Authentication+and+Au...

If I can piggyback on this, I've just put together a different
(smaller) paster template that implements repoze.what pretty closely
to how it's done in the tutorial on the wiki. It uses repoze.what,
repoze.what-quickstart, and repoze.what-pylons, and includes:

    * User, Group and Permission models for SQLALchemy
    * A login (& logout) controller
    * A minimal template for the login form (choice of Mako/Genshi/
Jinja2 supported)
    * A package dependency on repoze.what-pylons, which includes
decorators you can use on controllers and actions.
    * Commented out sample code in websetup.py that creates a user,
group, and permission.


easy_install PylonsTemplates
paster create -t pylons_repoze_what fooproject

The next version will also include prebuilt functional tests (for the
templated app) to make sure the models are working and try some
authenticated/unauthenticated requests against a dummy action. If
anyone wants to beat up on the code a bit, I'd appreciate it.
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