Just for what it is worth

I don' t use Formencode in the 3 pylons websites I have.  For me it
tries to solve the form issue at the wrong place in the wrong way.

Generating a form in a html template is better than with FormEncode.
It is readable by non Python humans (they exist) and requires less
typing (<select> clauses being the exception, but here I created my
own small helper function) and there are thousand of tools to support
the developer.  It gives the possibility to split the work in 2: one
part for a graphical artist, who is an expert in CSS and javascript
and one part for the web developer, who masters pylons and databases.

I am validating the forms as much as possible in javascript at the
client side.  This reduces the load on the server and the user
experience is enhanced.
For the same reason I am using as much as possible Ajax calls iso a
form submit, to send the prevalidated form fields to the server.
Because the fields are prevalidated, it is very easy storing the
result in a model instance.

All I need are some good pieces of javascript code to do validation
and the Ajax calls.


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