You're right. I tried to remove fluff for the example I gave you but I
pruned back too much.

But yeah, I was screwing up on my syntax after all. :P


One thing: Why was c only being assigned once in my original code?

On Oct 6, 6:35 pm, Marius Gedminas <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 08:42:21AM -0700, Matt H wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I'm trying to set an attribute on c from a decorator, like so:
> > def dec1():
> >     def wrap_fn(f):
> >         c.msg = 'hi'
> You're doing this assignmeny once, when wrapping the function (i.e. at module
> import time).  You need to do this for every request, i.e. when f gets
> called.
> >         return f
> >     return wrap_fn
> > @dec1
> > def create(self):
> This will fail; I assume you meant @dec1().  (And since it makes no sense
> to have a decorator-making function with no arguments, I assume you've
> reduced your real code to an example and made a mistake.)
> >    return render('create_tmpl')
> Correct code would be something like
>     def dec1():
>         def wrap_fn(f):
>             def wrapped_fn(*args, **kw):
>                 c.msg = 'hi'
>                 return f(*arg,s **kw)
>             return wrapped_fn
>         return wrap_fn
>     @dec1()
>     def create(self):
>         return render('create_tmpl')
> Even more correct code would use,
> like Wyatt suggested:
>     def dec1():
>         @decorator
>         def wrap_fn(f, *args, **kw):
>             c.msg = 'hi'
>             return f(*arg,s **kw)
>         return wrap_fn
>     @dec1()
>     def create(self):
>         return render('create_tmpl')
> HTH,
> Marius Gedminas
> --
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