Apologies if I've come across as pushy on this issue. That was not my
intention. My goal is to motivate the pyramid team to do itself (what
I see as) a great service.

The Pylons community is clearly excited by pyramid's "escape" and is
chomping at the bit see what its new toy can do. We're practical
people, though, with practical concerns. We have to ask ourselves how
pyramid is going make our lives better. IMHO, you guys need to play a
little politics. If you make a strong, early case for pyramid's
technical superiority to its end users, the app-devs, you'll have a
much easier transition on your hands. The community is energized; keep
it rolling!

My two cents. Thanks again!

On Nov 14, 6:19 pm, Ben Bangert <b...@groovie.org> wrote:
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:54 PM, BrianTheLion wrote:
> > I've been away for a while and am trying to come up to speed on some
> > pretty significant developments in the pylons community. I've spent
> > considerable time with the pyramid docs in the last week but have
> > failed to find an answer to one very important question: If your goal
> > (like mine) is to build web apps, what reasons do you have to switch
> > to pyramid?
> If you don't need the extensibility, if you're building a single app for the 
> whole company. You probably don't have much reason to change at all. The fact 
> that you haven't seen some pyramid add-on you're dying to use already sort of 
> answers that.
> > Let me engage in a bit of flame-fanning here just to make a point. As
> > of right now, pyramid and pylons (v1.0) are, effectively, competing
> > technologies. They are competing for the mindshare amongst Python web
> > application developers. When our BDFLs tell us that pyramid is an
> > improvement over pylons, I believe them but I don't particularly care.
> > As an app-dev, I am pretty much agnostic to things like pylon's
> > extensibility model (http://docs.pylonshq.com/faq/
> > pylonsproject.html#why-not-just-continue-developing-the-pylons-1-0-
> > code-base). What I care about is how quickly and easily I can get my
> > app up and running, how easy it will be to support and maintain.
> > Bottom line, I think the BDFLs have punted on making a pro-pyramid
> > technical argument to their app-devs, maybe because there isn't one to
> > be made.
> We aren't preaching the gospel on Pyramid right now because it's still alpha. 
> As I mentioned on my blog, I'll be writing posts about things Pyramid 
> addresses in the future, until then, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait like 
> everyone else. I only have so much time in the day, I have to budget my time 
> very carefully.
> > Flame-fanning finished. And I was lying about not caring. *I BELIEVE*
> > and I want to see pyramid go forward. But in the end app-devs are the
> > least of pyramid's worries; we're always looking for excuses to learn
> > new things. Middle managers are much more difficult to convince.
> > Hence, I'm calling for some management-friendly pro-pyramid
> > propaganda:https://github.com/Pylons/pylonshq/issues/issue/2. If
> > you're an app-dev trying to figure out how you're going to convince
> > your manager to let you learn pyramid, bump it up!
> When we're ready for management types to move entire development shops to 
> Pyramid, we'll have that documentation. Right now, the focus isn't on that, 
> its on getting things done so that such a case will be trivial to make in the 
> future.
> Cheers,
> Ben

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