On 2/10/11 6:40 PM, Christopher Weimann wrote:
I'm using DB-API in my Pylons app as described in on this wiki page.


The gist of which is  to add the following to lib/app_globals.py

from pylons import config
import psycopg2
from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB

class Globals(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.pool = PooledDB( psycopg2, 5,

then in a controller you can get a connection with conn = g.pool.connection()

How would I do the equivalent with Pyramid?

This is untested, but i think you could do something like this in your startup code::

  from pyramid.registry import global_registry
  global_registry.pool = PooledDB(...)

Then in your view code, or anywhere you have a request object, you should be able to get at it via `request.registry.pool`.


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