On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Malthe Borch <mbo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 25 April 2011 02:57, Iain Duncan <iainduncanli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Apologies for the cross post ( and direct post), not sure whether this
> > should be in Pylons discuss or Repoze these days.
> I think it's possibly a Pylons post.

I'd recommend up dating the Chameleon web site then, if you google
'Chameleon templates mailing list' you get this page:
"If you’ve got questions that aren’t answered by this documentation, post
them to the Repoze Mailing List. You can also log on to #repoze on Freenode
IRC and chat."

> > error:
> >     raise NameError(key)
> > RenderError: An uncaught exception was raised.
> > NameError: comment_list
> The defined macro names are not exposed as variables. Should they be?
> You can always access the definition using ``template``:

I don't know, I was looking for examples of ZPT recursive macros and the
examples I found seemed to imply yes, but I am new to ZPT.

>  metal:use-macro="template.macros['comment_list']"

Great, that works, thanks!

FWIW, I found it quite difficult to sort out what the differences are
between ZPT and Chameleon from the Chameleon site. I appreciate that you
have docs up there, but as they are kind of intro docs that then refer you
to ZPT implementation for futher detail, I got pretty tripped up figuring
out the differences. Is there any reason Chameleon could not support ZPT
tales syntax too if only so all the ZPT based examples are usable?

That said, I understand everyone's busy. I just think the 'hit the ground
running' experience for new Pyramid users trying out Chameleon and TAL for
the first time could be improved quite a bit with more Chameleon examples.


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