
I'm trying to write a unit test for an old pylons 0.9.7 application.
The issue we have is that it's very easy to accidentally hard-code URL
paths in our jinja2 templates, which works fine until someone hosts
our application at a different prefix (i.e.- hosts it at
'http://localhost/foo/' instead of just 'http://localhost/'). I'm
doing this using the default "functional test" setup that paste
created for me. I query every controller action, and pass in a custom
SCRIPT_NAME like so:

response = self.app.get('/some/url/path', extra_environ={'SCRIPT_NAME'
: '/custom_prefix'})

I then use beautifulsoup to parse the document, iterating over all the
tags that have an 'href' attribute or a 'src' attribute, and ensure
that it starts with '/custom_prefix'.

Here's where things get odd: When we pass an absolute path in to
"pylons.url" in our templates like this:

{{ h.stylesheet_link(h.url('/css/style.css')) }}

...it works perfectly. However, when we call "pylons.url" with keyword
arguments like this:

{{ h.link_to('Home', h.url(controller='person', action='home')) }}

...the prefix is not inserted. However, the url() function works
correctly when running this correctly (i.e.- using mod_wsgi or
pastedeploy) with a non-empty SCRIPT_NAME. I guess that I'm missing a
critical step, but I can't think what it is. Can anyone on this list
shed some light on my predicament?


Thomi Richards

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