--On Donnerstag, August 04, 2011 06:57:15 -0700
neurino <neur...@gmail.com> wrote:


In a Pylons controller I could select which renderer use like this:

def my_view(self):
    c.form = Form(request, BasicSchema)
    if c.form.validate():
        obj = form.bind(MYModel())
        if **need more info**:
            c.form = Form(AdvancedSchema, obj=obj)
            if form.validate():
                obj = form.bind(obj)
                return render('advanced_form.mako')
        **persist obj someway**
    return render('basic_form.mako')

In my Pyramid app I have:

config.add_route('new', '/new')
config.add_view(my_view, route_name='new',

and in `basic_form.mako` according to a passed value I render the form
one way or another:

%if step == 1:
    #render basic form
    #render advanced form

but it seems a bit ugly and cumbersome to me.

Any advice?

You can implement the same pattern if you return a response object [1] and
don't have to specify the renderer in add_view(). Even if you specify
one it will be skipped if you return a response object, e.g. with


[1] <http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/1.1/narr/templates.html#using-templates-directly>

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