Well seems adding


at the beginning of each view relying on `request.user` voids the

Now I wonder what's the benefit form having such attribute rather than
querying each time for it in views.

Thanks for your support

On Oct 17, 3:41 pm, neurino <neur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I implemented the procedure [explained here][1] to always have a User
> Object available as a request attribute.
> It always worked good in development until I deployed it with Ubuntu -
> Using SQLAlchemy User object has a `items` relationship like this:
>     mapper(User, users,
>         properties={
>             'items': relationship(Item, backref='user')
>         })
> The crazy thing is that if I delete one or more `user.items` elements
> in a view I get it back refreshing the page even if item has been
> actually removed from db.
> Digging a bit and printing hex(id(request.user)) in templates I can
> see there are 2 or more instances of User where only in one item has
> been removed while it's still present in others.
> I can't understand where's the problem and how to solve it.
> Any help is really much appreciated.
> Thanks for your support
> neurino
> [1]http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/dev/authentic...

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