I ended up created a pyramid_celery app that has a paster command,
that way I could load up the database the same way (through main) and
then launch celeryd.


if anyone else needs it.

So you define a celeryconfig.py like:

CELERY_IMPORTS = ("app.tasks", )

Then git clone https://github.com/sontek/pyramid_celery.git

Then run python setup.py develop

and in your main app you'll now have access to type paster celeryd ./
development.ini  and it'll launch celery for you with the database

On Nov 5, 7:05 am, John Anderson <son...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I've been playing with celery configuration with Pyramid and I was
> wondering how you guys handle it?
> My problem right now is the best way to tell celery how to bind SQLAlchemy
> configuration.
> If I don't call initialize_sql inside my celeryconfig.py it doesn't get
> bound but I don't want to call initialize_sql from celeryconfig.py because
> its used both on the app side and to run celeryd.

I also played with creating a pyramid_celery library that would hook
in the configuration but I couldn't figure out the proper events/load
order to run so that the Loader could get the configuration it needed

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