I'm new to Pyramid and trying to get it to work with me, I've
installed pyramid-1.2.1 in a virtualenv and I'm trying to loop through
a simple list within a template but it seems to me that the statement
"% for item in cisList" does not initialize the "item" variable but if
I call ${cisList[0]['name']} it prints out the name value of cisList.
I cannot see that I'm doing anything different from what is described
in http://docs.pylonsproject.org/docs/pyramid_quick_tutorial.html#list-mako

sample of my code is listed here below and the error it produces

cisList = [{'name':'test1'},{'name':'test2'}]
    #print ex.CIsMap

    return {'cisList':cisList}

% if cisList:
    % for item in cisList:
% endif

NameError: item

 - Expression: "item['name']"
 - Filename:   /home/davidoj/workspace/cmdbweb/src/cmdbweb/cmdbweb/
 - Location:   (12:10)

 - Source:     ${item['name']}
 - Expression: "
 - Filename:   /home/davidoj/workspace/cmdbweb/src/cmdbweb/cmdbweb/
 - Location:   (11:8)

 - Source:     <li>
 - Arguments:  cisList: <list - at 0xba0f78c>
               repeat: {...} (0)
               renderer_name: cmdbweb:templates/listOfHosts.pt
               request: <Request - at 0xbd828ec>
               renderer_info: <RendererHelper - at 0x9e8080c>
               context: <Root - at 0xbd826ec>
               view: <function listHostsView at 0x9e3564c>

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