I am having some issues getting Mako templates to work with 1.3a2.
However as I am not yet convinced I really know what I am doing I wanted
to raise a question here before submitting a bug to Github.

First of all an unclarity:
A mako.directories setting is no longer required to use Mako templates
Rationale: Mako template renderers can be specified using an absolute
asset spec. An entire application can be written with such asset specs,
requiring no ordered lookup path.

Does this mean it is not recommended to add this setting? The narative
documentation does mention the adding of this setting here:
For the above view callable to work, the following setting needs to be
present in the application stanza of your configuration’s ini file:
mako.directories = mypackage:templates

At the moment I have not added this setting, but I did add the mako
renderer to __init__.py:
from pyramid.mako_templating import renderer_factory as mako_factory
config.add_renderer('.mako', mako_factory)

With the 1.3 alpha release I noticed that the scaffold is using the
config.scan combined with the decorators, so I tried to use my mako
templates in line with this setup (__init__.py):
config.add_route('indices', '/indices/{area}/{date}')

And in views.py:
@view_config(route_name='indices', renderer='indices.mako')
def indices(request):

The indices.mako template can be found in the (default) templates
directory. Visiting this view results in a
mako.exceptions.TopLevelLookupException (Cant locate template for uri
'indices.mako'). My question is what (and in wht file) should be set
differently or added to make the renderer find my template file?

When I do add the 'mako.directories = baseload:templates' to the ini
file there is a different message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  line 154, in __call__
    result = template.render_unicode(**system)
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\mako\template.py", line
  311, in render_unicode
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\mako\runtime.py", line
  661, in _render
    **_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\mako\runtime.py", line
  693, in _render_context
    _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\mako\runtime.py", line
  719, in _exec_template
    callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\projects\pyramid\baseload\baseload\templates/indices.mako",
  line 17, in render_body
    <link rel="stylesheet"
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\pyramid\url.py", line 369,
  in static_url
    package = caller_package()
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\pyramid\path.py", line 52,
  in caller_package
    module = caller_module(level+1)
  File "C:\Projects\Pyramid\lib\site-packages\pyramid\path.py", line 26,
  in caller_module
    module = sys.modules[module_name]
KeyError: 'indices_mako'


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