On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Michael Merickel <mmeri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Question: if multiple scoped sessions are created, each using
>> > ZopeTransactionExtension, would they all automatically fit into the
>> > global commit/rollback?
>> >
>> > Can we use the same ZopeTransactionExtension *instance* for all the
>> > scoped sessions, or would they each need a separate instance?
>> yeah I'd like to get guidance from Chris McD or Lawrence Rowe on what a
>> multiple-session integration path might be (or if all apps should really use
>> one Session with zope.sqlalchemy).   also my apologies for screwing up it's
>> name.
> Sorry, I'm not Chris or Lawrence, but I can tell you that the "transaction"
> package, which the ZTE and many other transaction-aware packages support,
> utilizes a threadlocal manager to which each ZopeTransactionExtension (ZTE)
> instance joins. The short answer is that if you have multiple ScopedSession
> objects that are using the ZTE, they will all be controlled by the same
> global transaction, and when pyramid_tm does transaction.commit() all of the
> sessions that are marked dirty will be committed. The ZTE supports two-phase
> transactions, but only if the ScopedSession is initialized with
> "twophase=True", thus ideally all sessions are done this way:
> DBSession
> = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension(),
> twophase=True))

Is there any downside to setting twophase=True by default? Would it
make life more complex for simple applications?

Also, again, I need to know whether it's safe to share a _zte instance
between two sessionmakers. Because if it's not, the docs will have to
warn people to use it only with the default session.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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