On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 17:51 -0600, Michael Merickel wrote:
> This was just a documentation emphasis... Pyramid won't be getting rid
> of the component registry without a damn good reason.
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Iain Duncan
> <iainduncanli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         Configurator methods to call, just as the docs
>                         do now.  Theoretically,
>                         Pyramid may disuse the ZCA in a future major
>                         release (although it's
>                         highly unlikely).
>         It might also be worth mentioning that dis-using the ZCA would
>         end a lot of my work for our system, and force us to either
>         stay on a frozen version or fork. I do hope to write cookbook
>         stuff on how and why we use the style we use, so I guess take
>         this as a request to be transparent about that possibility,
>         and perhaps not make that decision unilaterally without
>         community discussion and input. One thing I definitely don't
>         want to do is spend time writing documentation and publishing
>         tools that are then rendered either useless or convoluted to
>         use ( as would be the case if we were telling users to add in
>         their own version of the zca registry. I mean, it would be
>         really really really bad for our work. Please do not treat
>         that decision lightly. 

In the unlikely case that Pyramid disuses the ZCA for its own internals,
we will certainly make it possible to re-use the ZCA within Pyramid for
end user apps, either via a plugin or a hotwo.  I'll be happy to be
transparent about it if we wind up thinking about ditching the ZCA.

But please note that Pyramid has *never* pushed the ZCA as a development
tool. We've been very careful to document it as an implementation
detail; there are a few places today that the ZCA registry API bleeds
out (e.g. registering a traverser, for example), but this was never
meant to signal an intent that a wrapper API on the Configurator might
not become the more "correct" way to do these very few minor things and
the old way (directly accessing the ZCA API) become deprecated.

There's absolutely nothing at all about any web framework that prevents
the ZCA from being used within an application written within that
framework.  The fact that both Pyramid and your application happen to
use the same ZCA registry currently is completely orthogonal to one or
the other using it.  Please try to mentally separate your application's
use of the ZCA from the framework's.  In reality if Pyramid did ditch
the ZCA, the changes required to your application would likely be
extremely minimal unless you're currently using stuff that *is not an
API*, such as querying the registry for registrations *made by Pyramid*.
Don't do that.

- C

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