
Okay, debugtoolbar does that. If I disable it from config, everything works fine. My fault. Been hunting for this memory leak for two days straight and it never occurred to me that even the command line bootstrapped Pyramid, when using development.ini, will have the debug toolbar on.

Sorry for wasting your time, folks.

I'm sending this email to the SQLAlchemy list too, where I asked about this problem, for further reference in case anyone else has the same problem....

.oO V Oo.

On 02/23/2012 02:24 PM, Vlad K. wrote:

Hi all.

I have a Pyramid bootstrapped script that has to process thousands of rows (on relatively complex model relationships) per call from command line. Pyramid is bootstrapped to reuse models and helper functions from the main web application this script is part of.

The problem I'm having is that in each iteration and/or individual transaction, the memory keeps growing, seems like SQLAlchemy objects are not released. A self-sufficient example script is here:


Without bootstrapping Pyramid (comment out line 266 and set env=None or something), the gcdelta is 0 or negative. With Pyramid bootstrapped (note that nothing else touches the application or request, only bootstrap is called) the gcdelta is in thousands per 200 iterations.

Fedora 16 x86_64
PostgreSQL 9.1

Pyramid 1.2.1 (except sqlalchemy and psycopg2, all dependencies are default given with 1.2.1 installation)
SQLAlchemy 0.7.5
Psycopg2 2.4.4
Transaction 1.1.1
Zope.Sqlalchemy 0.6.1

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