On 14/06/12 15:06, Daniel Holth wrote:
> Pyramid is better at answering the question "what permission does the
> user have?", which is likely what's controlling whether they can
> actually get to the 'edit' page. Use
> pyramid.security.has_permission('edit', edit_page_context, request)
> instead.
Right, in fact if we're talking about per-instance (not per-type) ACLs
(which I've forgotten about writing my previous post) this makes perfect
sense. Still it would result in extra calls to effective_principals(),
which was my primary concern. If I display a list of objects here,
calling it for each one seems overkill without caching (if it hits the
database, that is).

> After evaluating the work effective_principals actually does per-call,
> if you decide you must cache effective_principals, consider
> subclassing your authentication policy. The new policy could stash
> them on the request but the Pyramid APIs would all work in the same way.
I like the idea, as this solves both original problem as well as the one

Any reason why Pyramid itself doesn't cache effective principals for the
whole request lifespan?

Well, I know that authors are not happy with overall design, as
explained here http://plope.com/pyramid_auth_design_api_postmortem (and
I have to say I agree with this post 100%), but principals idea is there
anyway, so why not make it more efficient?

> If you have one, it can also be handy to just define a request.user
> property with your application-level User() object.

Thanks for the hint!


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