On Sunday, June 16, 2013 1:48:02 PM UTC-4, Wouter Bijlsma wrote:
> Hello fellow Pyramid users,
> I'm currently in the process of writing a web application proof-of-concept 
> using Pyramid 1.4 + MongoDB, which is starting to morph into a something 
> resembling a 'web application framework on top of Pyramid' more than just a 
> 'web application using Pyramid'. As a result, I find myself re-defining and 
> extending some of the core Pyramid functionality, which up to now was 
> relatively painless (one of the nicest features of Pyramid IMO, it's not 
> very opinionated). Today I hit a strange corner case though, which I 
> haven't been able to workaround the way I'd like to.
> Some background: instead of setting up routes from Python code, I'm using 
> JSON hyper-schema to automatically generate routes from my resource 
> schema's. The routes are embedded in the hyper-schema 'link' relations, as 
> URI templates very much like what pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route 
> uses. Because the routes for each resource are completely embedded into 
> their schema, and are also used to generate link relations from resource 
> instance attributes, the route URI templates use resource attribute names 
> and hence may be ambiguous when used in functions referring different 
> resource classes. Example: I have an 'account' resource with a 'self' 
> relation defined by a route '{name}', and a 'projects' relation defined by 
> a route '{name}/projects'. At the same time I have a 'project' resource 
> that has a 'self' relation defined by a route '{account}/projects/{name}'. 
> In other words: the 'name' variable refers to an account name in the first 
> 2 URI templates, but to a project name in the last one. 
> For reasons not relevant for this discussion I don't want to change the 
> route URI template definitions, and I don't want to embed additional 
> information in the resource schema's to disambiguate URI template 
> variables. Somehow, I want to be able to include an URI template variable 
> mapping where the view callable is declared using the view_config 
> decorator, so I can lookup which entries in the request matchdict 
> correspond with which attributes of my resource classes. So I tried to 
> create my own view_config decorator that extends pyramid.view.view_config, 
> looking somewhat like this:
> import pyramid.view
> class view_config(pyramid.view.view_config):
>   def __init__(self, matchdict_attributes, **kwargs):
>     super(view_config, self).__init__(**kwargs)
>     self.matchdict_attributes = matchdict_attributes
>   def __call__(self, wrapped):
>     f = super(view_config, self).__call__(wrapped)
>     m = self.matchdict_attributes
>     def wrapped_f(*args):
>       return f(*args, matchdict_attributes=m)
>     return wrapped_f
> The basic idea is that I simply want to add an extra initialisation 
> parameter to my view_config decorator, which is passed to the wrapped 
> method when it is called.
> For some reason when I use this decorator, the view callable is not found 
> by the route scan anymore. I don't get any syntax errors or runtime errors, 
> it's just that the any view callables declared with this decorator appear 
> to be ignored. Suspecting a problem in my decorator, I reduced it to the 
> following:
> class view_config(pyramid.view.view_config):
>   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>     super(view_config, self).__init__(**kwargs)
>   def __call__(self, wrapped):
>     return super(view_config, self).__call__(wrapped)
> This decorator basically does nothing but directly wrap the Pyramid 
> view_config decorator, but even using this decorator, my view callables are 
> ignored by Pyramid.
> So I removed the __call__ method altogether, and declaring my view 
> callables with that decorator everything works. So it seems something is 
> going on in pyramid.view.view_config.__call__ which breaks the 
> configuration scan for view callables if you override the __call__ method 
> of the standard view_config decorator.
> I looked up the source code of the pyramid.view.view_config.__call__ 
> decorator method and pasted it verbatim in my derived decorator class, and 
> that works as well. I can't get it to work without duplicating any Pyramid 
> framework code though.
> Looking at the pyramid.view.view_config.__call__ code, there's a few 
> things I don't really follow, some venusian callback stuff that uses the 
> module name, but nothing directly indicating why I cannot override the 
> method in my own class without breaking route scanning...
> Does anyone know what's going on here? What am I missing?
> Thanks and regards, Wouter Bijlsma

I don't know the solution, but I had the same problem. I found that you 
cannot call view_config.__call__ from within your subclass' __call__ 
method. To workaround this I just copied the code from view_config.__call__ 
into my class' __call__ method. It's only about 20 lines, so I'm not too 
concerned about the maintainability of the workaround.


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