> On 30 Oct 2014, at 11:30, Laurent DAVERIO <ldave...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Overlap #1: SQLAlchemy maps the wrong class to the returned data :
> I assume this is because the classes bear the same names (or aliases) in the 
> two distinct projects :
> $ cd foo
> $ pshell development.ini
> In [1]: from foo.models import *
> In [2]: Article
> Out[2]: foo.models.article.FooArticle
> In [3]: print Session.query(Article)
> SELECT [...]
> FROM article JOIN foo_article ON article.id = foo_article.id
> In [4]: a = Session.query(Article).first()
> In [5]: a
> Out[5]: <BarArticle id=19844>
> In that example, "Article" is an alias of "FooArticle", which is confirmed by 
> [2]. The generated SQL query interrogates the right tables, as shown by [3]. 
> But the object returned by [4] should be an instance of FooArticle, not 
> BarArticle [5]!

You may want to ask about that one on the SQLAlchemy list, it might be a bug. 
The fact that you alias the classes to Article is not related (and SQLAlchemy 
can’t even see that). I suspect this has more to do with your use of row ids 
and inheritance setup.

> =====
> Overlap #2: Supervisord picks the wrong gunicorn_paster script
> It happens even when the two projects are moved to separate virtualenvs. I've 
> been obliged to replace it with daemontools, temporarily or permanently.
> For instance, with the line below:
> command = /projects/venv2/bin/gunicorn -w 4 --paste 
> /projects/venv2/bar/bar/production.ini
> supervisord incorrectly launches /projects/venv1/bin/gunicorn...
> This is totally illogical... :(

Don’t know about that one.


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