Hey folks, I've cut a 1.0 release of pyramid_tm.

There was only one small change between 0.12.1 and 1.0 adding the
`environ['tm.active']` boolean and an AttributeError when `request.tm` is
accessed outside of the tm boundary.

You can install the new version using pip.

    pip install pyramid_tm==1.0

More importantly, in the next day or so I will be released 2.0a1. I wanted
to ensure we had a stable release that everyone could depend on before
releasing this alpha. It is almost a total rewrite of pyramid_tm to move
the position of the tween to cover more of the request lifecycle, allowing
transactions to be used within exception views and hopefully more.

This release and notice will hopefully serve as warnings if you're afraid
of this breaking your application. In general it should not, but if you are
doing anything custom regarding transactions to make them work in your
exception views, then you should probably pay attention.

- Michael

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