I forgot to mention we do get some useful information when 
debug_authorization is set to True. Here is what we get:

2017-11-21 01:24:14,225 DEBUG [appname._authdebug_view()][waitress] 
debug_authorization of url http://localhost:6543/ (view name u'' against 
context <====================================.models.RootFactory object at 
0x7f7ef246af90>): ACLDenied permission 'authenticated' via ACE '<default 
deny>' in ACL [...ACLs here...] on context <appname.models.RootFactory 
object at 0x7faf3c5a7c10> for principals ['system.Everyone']

On Tuesday, November 21, 2017 at 9:41:11 AM UTC-6, Alen wrote:
> Hi,
> We've encountered a strange authorization issue we can't quite figure out 
> how to get past... When the users of our web app are inactive for a while 
> and they come back to use it, on first request they get a HTTPForbidden 
> error (presumably because the session has expired due to inactivity). 
> However, they're not logged out and if they refresh the page everything 
> works as it should. The behavior is pretty easy to replicate, we just set 
> session.timeout to 5 seconds, and then use the app after being inactive for 
> 5 seconds and we always get the error. But here's the kicker - if we set 
> pyramid.debug_authorization to True then we don't see this issue!
> We need help debugging this issue further...but we're pretty sure it's 
> something misconfigured on our end. We're running latest Pyramid (1.9.1) 
> with pyramid_beaker for session management. Below is an excerpt from our 
> development.ini file with the relevant settings:
> ================================
> pyramid.reload_templates = true
> pyramid.debug_authorization = false
> pyramid.debug_notfound = true
> pyramid.debug_routematch = false
> pyramid.default_locale_name = en
> pyramid.includes =
>     pyramid_tm
>     pyramid_debugtoolbar
>     pyramid_beaker
> # Debug toolbar
> debugtoolbar.enabled = false
> debugtoolbar.hosts =
> # Use http instead of https in local environment for base portal URL
> auth.policy.secure = false
> # Beaker config
> cache.type = ext:memcached
> cache.url =
> cache.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions/lock
> cache.regions = second, default_term, short_term, long_term, full_day, 
> forever_term
> cache.second.expire = 1
> cache.short_term.expire = 60
> cache.default_term.expire = 300
> cache.long_term.expire = 3600
> cache.full_day.expire = 86400
> cache.forever_term.expire = 604800
> session.type = ext:memcached
> session.url =
> session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions/data
> session.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions/lock
> session.key = KEY_HNAME
> session.secret = SECRET_KEY
> session.cookie_expires = 86400
> session.secure = false
> session.timeout = 3600
> # End of beaker config
> ================================
> And here is the auth policy setup from our __init__.py file:
> ================================
> authn_policy = AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy(
>         # this is the secret used to sign cookies
>         'SECRET_KEY',
>         callback=groupfinder,
>         secure=use_https, #This should always be True, unless overridden 
> in development.ini file
>         http_only=True,
>         timeout=21600,
>         reissue_time=2160,
>         max_age=86400,
>         hashalg='sha512')
> ================================
> Thanks

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