On Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 1:17:31 AM UTC-4, jens.t...@gmail.com wrote:

> I’ve followed the suggested cookie cutter code exactly: 
> https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid-cookiecutter-alchemy, which uses 
> pyramid_tm and adds the SQLA session to that transaction manager.
Are you passing in `*use_tweens=True*` ?


If not, the behavior you show is expected.  `pyramid_tm` handles the 
transaction begin/commit via tweens.  If the subrequests don't use the 
tweens, they're part of your main transaction and don't close the 
dbconnection or return it to the pool.  So they will require 1 db 
connection for main + [1 db connections for each subrequest].

If you are not enabling tweens in the subrequest, then Pyramid doesn't work 
how I'd imagine it to.  But this behavior makes sense for pyramid_tm 
without tweens enabled.

Sidenote: I don't know if transaction/pyramid_tm can handle subrequests 
like this.  You might want the functionality that Michael Merickel 
suggested above, by copying over the main db session.

Like most others though, I avoid subrequests at all costs. 

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