
Within a view function it becomes necessary to run an async task. Celery 
<http://www.celeryproject.org/>, Dramatiq <https://dramatiq.io/>, etc are 
frameworks to handle that. However, my async task needs to read db objects 
which have been created—and must be committed and persisted—by the view 
function that spawns the task. Thus, I need to delay spawning the task 
(i.e. sending the task’s message to the workers) until after the request’s 
db transaction has committed.

The db transaction is a standard SQLAlchemy transaction. Using the commit 
veto hook 
is too early. This SO answer 
suggests using the repoze.tm.after_end() 
<http://repozetm2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#cleanup> callback, but the 
answer is about five years old now.

How do I handle this scenario correctly, i.e. how do I schedule an async 
job after a request was successful? I guess I can pack up the task object, 
or a signature, and its parameters and attach them to the request from 
within the view function. But where is the right place to actually send the 
task message?


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