I'm not sure I follow your current approach.

Have you looked at Writing Your Own Widget?

Do you want to use a checkbox or a checkboxchoice?

The templates for such widgets use Chameleon for templating. I'm not fluent in Chameleon, so hopefully someone else can fill in the blanks.


On 7/17/18 at 4:17 AM, schrott.ha...@web.de (Tom Andrews) pronounced:


I'm trying to construct a treeview-like structure with checkbox widgets from deform and have all of the checkboxes as part of one form. If I just render the form normally and pass the generated html to my template, I'll obviosuly not get the structure I want. So far I've tried to pass the whole form object to the template and then rendering the individual checkboxes on demand with the templating language, but then I'm missing a submit button and the whole form element, along with a few other things. What are my options here? I'm certain that this must be possible to do, but I can't seem to find a practical way to do it.

Here is the relevant excerpt from my template (jinja2):

<div class="treeview">
{% for label_name, sublabels in view.gitlab_data.items() %}
<li class="tierone">
<span class="noselect"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>{{ label_name }}</span>
{% for sublabel_name, issues in sublabels.items() %}
<li class="tiertwo">
<span class="noselect"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>{{ sublabel_name }}</span>
{% for issue_id, issue in issues.items() %}
<li class="issue">
{#                                        Insert Checkbox Nodes here#}
<a href={{ issue_id }}>
{{ issue.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


Steve Piercy, Eugene, OR

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