On Friday, June 21, 2019 at 8:43:32 PM UTC-4, Mike Orr wrote:
> But if  I want to contribute to the enterprise's Single Sign-In, do I need 
> to 
> tell the server the user is still logged into my application so it 
> doesn't expire the SSO account? 

That is up to your upstream identity provider.

Your token should be assumed valid until the expiry timestamp. The upstream 
provider may have it's own protocol where you are supposed to check 
validity at periodic intervals.


> Do I do this by refreshing the token? 

> If I do want to refresh the token, do I do it in a NewRequest subscriber? 
Generally this is done by a background process.  If you want to do it 
within a Pyramid request, you could do it in a tween or subscriber.

The refresh_expire is 60 minutes, so how close to the end should I do 
> the refresh? If a request comes in 10 minutes before the end, I don't 
> know whether the next request will be in 1 second or 20 minutes. 

This is largely an organizational issue on how long you can honor the 
tokens.  TBH, expiring a refresh in 60 minutes sounds like a bad 
configuration.  Typically an access token would expire in 60 minutes, but 
the refresh token would expire in 30 days.  That would mean you would need 
to automatically refresh the access token behind-the-scenes every 60 


> What  if the request contains POST data? Would I have to save the data in 
> the session, generate an authorization URL, redirect to the server, 
> come back through the callback view, redirect back to the original 
> URL, and extract the POST data in the session. (Where it's no longer 
> in request.POST.) That sounds like a lot of code overhead. 

If you need the user to re-authorize because your refresh token expired... 
you would need to stash the POST data, so that is one way of doing it.  
That is a lot of overhead, but should not happen because the refresh token 
should live longer.

I may also have to put a session lock in the site; i.e., Javascript  

that waits for an idle timeout and puts up a modal dialog, "Do you 
> want to extend your session?" or "Your session is expired. Click here 
> to log in again." How would that interact with tokens and refreshing 
> tokens, since my token processing is in the backend? 

If you have csrf field on the form, that csrf token might have changed. You 
could update it with javascript.

> How could the  Javascript extend the session or have the user log in again 
> without 
> throwing away a partially-filled-in form? 

Do the reauth in an ajax request or a browser popup.

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