Even though I put the file in a directory define in %PATH% or try 
with/without full path, with/without file extension, with 
libspatialite-4.dll or using excute with all combination mentionned 
 dbapi_conn.execute("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite.dll')")

Le mercredi 10 juillet 2019 08:53:21 UTC-4, Michael Lane a écrit :
> Try to find a way to import the dll but it always fails on the 
> load_extension
> def load_spatialite(dbapi_conn, connection_record):
>     dbapi_conn.enable_load_extension(True)
>     dbapi_conn.load_extension('C:\\Scripts\\*mod_spatialite*.dll')
> Le mardi 9 juillet 2019 17:01:33 UTC-4, Michael Lane a écrit :
>> I would like to use spatialite <https://pypi.org/project/spatialite/> in 
>> my project but I don't find the right way to do that. Does anybody have 
>> already done that and can give me an example?
>> my environment:
>> Windows 10:
>> Python version: 3.6.8
>> Local database: sqlite (for spatialite)
>> Remote database: postgresql
>> I find a lot of exemples where spatialite is set in the module parameter 
>> for the engine <https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/engines.html> in 
>> create_engine using lib like libsqlite3, mod_spatialite, pysqlite3 in my 
>> case I use spatialiteinstall with pip (package define in setup.py)
>> My problem is then I don't have the control of create_engine, in the 
>> engine comming from settings in ini so I think that I have to pass the 
>> setting by the ini file but I did'nt get it. I didn't find any good example 
>> of code using same combination environment as mine (windows, pyramid, 
>> spatialite).
>> There are the settings of ini file:
>> pyramid.reload_templates = true
>> pyramid.reload_assets = true
>> pyramid.debug_authorization = true
>> pyramid.debug_notfound = false
>> pyramid.debug_routematch = true
>> pyramid.default_locale_name = en
>> pyramid.includes =
>>     pyramid_debugtoolbar
>>     pyramid_tm
>> sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/risc.sqlite
>> Code where the engine is create:
>> from sqlalchemy import engine_from_configfrom sqlalchemy.orm import 
>> sessionmakerfrom sqlalchemy.orm import configure_mappersimport 
>> zope.sqlalchemy
>> # run configure_mappers after defining all of the models to ensure# all 
>> relationships can be setup
>> configure_mappers()
>> def get_engine(settings, prefix='sqlalchemy.'):
>>     return engine_from_config(settings, prefix)
>> def get_session_factory(engine):
>>     factory = sessionmaker()
>>     factory.configure(bind=engine)
>>     return factory
>> def get_tm_session(session_factory, transaction_manager):
>>     dbsession = session_factory()
>>     zope.sqlalchemy.register(dbsession, 
>> transaction_manager=transaction_manager)
>>     return dbsession
>> def includeme(config):
>>     settings = config.get_settings()
>>     settings['tm.manager_hook'] = 'pyramid_tm.explicit_manager'
>>     # use pyramid_tm to hook the transaction lifecycle to the request
>>     config.include('pyramid_tm')
>>     # use pyramid_retry to retry a request when transient exceptions occur
>>     config.include('pyramid_retry')
>>     session_factory = get_session_factory(get_engine(settings))
>>     config.registry['dbsession_factory'] = session_factory
>>     # make request.dbsession available for use in Pyramid
>>     config.add_request_method(
>>         # r.tm is the transaction manager used by pyramid_tm
>>     lambda r: get_tm_session(session_factory, r.tm),
>>     'dbsession',
>>     reify=True)
>> And the settings module of setup.py
>> requires = [
>>     'bcrypt',
>>     'docutils',
>>     'plaster_pastedeploy',
>>     'pyramid',
>>     'pyramid_debugtoolbar',
>>     'pyramid_retry',
>>     'pyramid_tm',
>>     'sqlalchemy',
>>     'transaction',
>>     'zope.sqlalchemy',
>>     'waitress',
>>     'sphinx',
>>     'flake8',
>>     'pyLint',
>>     'pg8000',
>>     'geoalchemy2',
>>     'spatialite']
>> I'm pretty sure than I miss a little something, but I'm not able to find 
>> it my way. I little hint will be appreciated on this one.
>> Thanks

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