Hi there.

My application has some scripts on .app.scripts (.app.scripts.tests and 

I configured this scripts in setup.py file like this:

    'paste.app_factory': [
        'main = minisecbgp:main'
    'console_scripts': [
        'initialize_minisecbgp_db = minisecbgp.scripts.initialize_db:main',
        'tests = minisecbgp.scripts.tests:main',
        'validate_hostname = minisecbgp.scripts.validate_hostname:main',
        'config = minisecbgp.scripts.config:main',

I call these two scripts in my view with the code below:

arguments = ['--config_file=minisecbgp.ini',
             '--hostname=%s' % form.node.data,
             '--username=%s' % form.username.data,
             '--password=%s' % form.password.data]
subprocess.Popen(['config'] + arguments)

and, when I run my application with the commands  below, everything works 
well. The page works fine and the scripts tests and config works well.

pip install -e ".[testing]"
pserve minisecbgp.ini --reload

So, I want to put my app in production, and I'm trying to use uwsgi and 
nginx to do it. When I configured uwsgi and nginx and open the app in 
browser, the app works well, but when I call the view that executes the 
scripts tests and config, I receave a 502 bad gateway error. Looking at 
syslog file, I receaved this error:

Feb 27 20:12:56 lpttch uwsgi[14110]:     subprocess.Popen(['tests'] + 
Feb 27 20:12:56 lpttch uwsgi[14110]:   File 
"/usr/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 729, in __init__
Feb 27 20:12:56 lpttch uwsgi[14110]:     restore_signals, start_new_session)
Feb 27 20:12:56 lpttch uwsgi[14110]:   File 
"/usr/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 1364, in _execute_child
Feb 27 20:12:56 lpttch uwsgi[14110]:     raise child_exception_type(
errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
Feb 27 20:12:56 lpttch uwsgi[14110]: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such 
file or directory: 'tests': 'tests'

Please, can somebody help me?


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