Just for reference I'd like to post what worked for me. Thanks for the
detailed help.

Finally I've settled on the following values:
redis.sessions.secret = xxx
redis.sessions.cookie_max_age = 315360000   # 10 years, basically forever
redis.sessions.timeout = 1800
redis.sessions.cookie_secure = True
redis.sessions.cookie_httponly = True
redis.sessions.cookie_samesite = lax

headers = remember(request, user.id)

redis_timeout = 3600 * 24 * 365  # one year in Redis

return HTTPFound(location=next, headers=headers)

I've thought about it and analyzed it and come up with the solution that
this will work well for my usecase. I've never experienced any problem with
the previous version of the library with similar values, which have created
way more sessions then this one, as this only creates a session when it's
actually needed on a login/registration page, leaving home page, etc.

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