On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, Christian Heimes wrote:

KK schrieb:
Thanks Christian.
After installing python-dev i'm able to do the build for jcc and then
installed without gettig any error messages. Then from the main directory i
changed the makefile and (surprisingly i dint see any site-packages
directory under python2.6, but i still modified the path for __init__.py
then running  "make"  downloaded lucene stuffs, I guess, and then gave me
some error messages like this:
<error snip>


This cleary says that there is no __init__.py file, in fact as I mentioned
earlier i couldn't find any site-packages directory under python2.6. Am I
doing something wrong? Whats the way out?

As a side note, I'm using open-jdk and not sun-jdk.

Where did JCC ended up? Perhaps it's in /usr/local/lib. Anyway you shouldn't use an absolute path to call JCC. I suggest you use the python2.6 as interpreter and "-m jcc.__main__" as JCC argument:

make ANT=ant PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.6 JCC="/usr/bin/python2.6 -m jcc.__main__" NUM_FILES=2

Yes, just use the settings example for Python 2.6.2 in PyLucene's Makefile. They invoke JCC correctly, using the "-m jcc.__main__" flag.

#JCC=$(PYTHON) -m jcc.__main__ --shared


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