>> - consecutive calls to initVM raise errors
> Only if you use parameters other than classpath, right ?


> Or did you find a different problem ?
>> - in my program components interact with several JCC wrapped libraries
>> Normally, it is no problem, but clashes may occur - especially in GUI
>> when running complex workflows - the solution (in theory) would be to
>> destroy JVM and load it again. Is it possible?
> In theory, it might be. The JNI API has a call to destroy a VM.
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jni/spec/invocation.html
> But cleanly doing so it rather tricky so JCC doesn't support it.

I tried (naive) to add destroyJavaVM call into the source, recompiled
it and tried calling it from thread. The destroy call returns 0, but
as soon as I delete references and object is garbage collected
(probably), Python crashes. I have no idea what's going on :-)
Browsing through the Sun bug reports, it seems like it wasn't possible
(ie. DestroyJavaVM never worked, at least for others, who apparently
understand what they were doing).
But if possible and one day it happens, cool, JCC is really blessing
for connecting Python with Java and I imagine more people will start
using it, and with more programmers using it, there will come more
python packages in one installation...


> A different approach to supporting your use case might be to consider
> compiling all your JCC wrapped libraries into one, picking only the APIs you
> need so as control the size of the resulting library.
> Andi..

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