Andi Vajda <> wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, Bill Janssen wrote:
> > I'm starting to see traces like the following in my UpLib (OS X 10.5.8,
> > 32-bit Python 2.5, Java 6, JCC-2.6, PyLucene-2.9.3) that indicate an
> > out-of-memory issue.  I spawn a lot of short-lived threads in Python,
> > and each of them is "attached" to Java, and "detached" after the "run"
> > method returns.  I've run test programs that do nothing but repeatedly
> > start new threads that then invoke pylucene to index a document, and see
> > no problems.
> >
> > I'm trying to come up with a hypothesis for this.  One of the things I'm
> > wondering is if my Python memory space is approaching the limit, does
> > PyLucene arrange for the Java garbage collector to invoke the Python
> > garbage collector if it can't allocate memory?
> No, not that I know of. The only fancy exchange between the Python
> world and the Java world is for 'extensions' of Java classes in
> Python. These are in a deadly embrace since they keep track of each
> other. A proxy object and some weak reference tricks do their work to
> resolve this cleanly. But this assumes the ref count on the Python
> side becomes 0 or that the finalize() method on the Java side is
> invoked (for which there is no guarantee according to the spec).

I don't think that's the issue.  I'm keeping an eye on the refs via
_dumpRefs(), and they seem OK, no matter how many new threads I create.

As I understand it, the Java GC allocates two blocks of memory (heap and
stack) immediately when creating a new thread, and does its own
allocations to the thread from within these blocks -- the JVM GC works
exclusively within this allocated heap block.  These blocks are returned
to the system when the thread exits.  The Python GC, in contrast, works
globally, allocating memory blocks as needed and returning them to the
system when possible, asynchronously respective to thread creation and

What I think's happening is that Java is attempting to create a thread,
and fails because the system (malloc) can't allocate a large enough heap
block.  The weak-ref'ed allocations that could be freed are on the
Python side of the world, not the Java side.  I wonder if it would be
possible to add a hook somehow to the Java GC that would call into
Python and have Python run its GC, too.  Though I'm not sure the Java GC
is being called at all, so perhaps this hook would have to be in the
part of the Java VM that calls malloc, the thread creation code.

> > Note that the thread being unsuccessfully started isn't mine; it's
> > being started by Java.
> It is generally better practice to pool threads and to reuse them
> instead of allocating them for short-lived tasks.

Sure, but tell that to the Lucene folks.  They're the ones starting a
new thread here.  Of course, now and then one needs to start a new

> I have personally no
> confidence in the JNI thread detaching mechanism... If it works, great
> but...
> As an aside, here is what I found out about using Java-created threads
> in Python:
> When Java creates a thread, Python is not being told about it and the
> Python VM considers this thread dummy, that is, without a thread state
> object. In other words, Python doesn't have a documented
> 'attachCurrentThread()' call.
> Instead, a Python thread state object is allocated at every call
> entering the Python VM from the Java VM running on such a dummy thread
> and is freed upon return.
> The buggy side effect of this is that you lose your thread-local
> storage between such calls and pay an extra thread state allocation
> cost for every such call into Python when the GIL is acquired.
> A workaround for this is to create and increment this thread state
> object's ref count when the Java thread is first created and to
> decrement it upon thread completion. This is what the
> PythonVM.acquire/releaseThreadState() methods are for in jcc.cpp. The
> PythonVM class is used when embedding a Python VM in a Java VM as when
> running Python code in a Tomcat process, for example. Maybe these
> methods should move elsewhere if they have potential uses outside this
> scenario...

Yes, that sounds useful.


> Andi..
> >
> > Bill
> >
> > thr1730: Running document rippers raised the following exception:
> > thr1730: Traceback (most recent call last):
> > thr1730:    File "/local/share/UpLib-1.7.9/code/uplib/", line 
> > 282, in _run_rippers
> > thr1730:, id)
> > thr1730:    File "/local/share/UpLib-1.7.9/code/uplib/", 
> > line 187, in rip
> > thr1730:     index_folder(location, self.repository().index_path())
> > thr1730:    File "/local/share/UpLib-1.7.9/code/uplib/", 
> > line 82, in index_folder
> > thr1730:     c.index(folder, doc_id)
> > thr1730:    File "/local/share/UpLib-1.7.9/code/uplib/", line 
> > 813, in index
> > thr1730:     self.reopen()
> > thr1730:    File "/local/share/UpLib-1.7.9/code/uplib/", line 
> > 635, in reopen
> > thr1730:     self.current_writer.flush()
> > thr1730:  JavaError: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new 
> > native thread
> > thr1730:     Java stacktrace:
> > thr1730: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
> > thr1730:    at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
> > thr1730:    at java.lang.Thread.start(
> > thr1730:    at 
> > org.apache.lucene.index.ConcurrentMergeScheduler.merge(
> > thr1730:    at 
> > org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.maybeMerge(
> > thr1730:    at 
> > org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.maybeMerge(
> > thr1730:    at 
> > org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.maybeMerge(
> > thr1730:    at 
> > org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.flush(
> > thr1730:    at 
> > org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.flush(
> >

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