I've got 3.0.2 compiling OK --shared with the latest MinGW gcc (4.5.0).
However, when I bundle up the egg and transfer it to another Windows
machine and look at it with depends.exe, I see that the DLLs and .pyd
files produced aren't standalone -- there are dangling references to
various GCC libraries and to MSVCR90.DLL that depends.exe can't resolve:


This seems a bit odd to me; I wonder if we have the right compile
switches for the MinGW case.  Presumably removing "--shared" would fix
this.  I'm going to pursue it further on the MinGW list, but I thought
I'd raise it here in case anyone on this list had some ideas.

Here's what the GCC 4.4 release notes have:

  - Dynamic linking with libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll

  Dynamic linking with libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is necessary to throw
  exceptions between different modules, such as between two DLLs or a
  DLL and an EXE.  Consequently, it is the default for all languages
  other than C.  To disable this dynamic linking, use -static-libgcc.
  To enable this dynamic linking in C, use -shared-libgcc.


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