On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Eric Hall wrote:

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:05:28AM -0800, Andi Vajda wrote:

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Eric Hall wrote:

        I'd like to store some index metadata using

        IndexWriter.commit(Map<String,String> commitUserData)

        I've set up a python dict with string to string mappings,
but if I use that I get an InvalidArgsError.  Is there a different
python type to use in this call?

Yes, use a Java HashMap for which there is a Python wrapper in PyLucene:

 >>> import lucene
 >>> lucene.initVM()
  <jcc.JCCEnv object at 0x10040a0d8>
 >>> a = lucene.HashMap().of_(lucene.String, lucene.String)
 >>> a.put('foo', 'bar')
 >>> a
  <HashMap: {foo=bar}>

The use of the of_() method is optional but it conveys the <String, String>
part and helps with enforcing the generic parameter and return type for the
map's methods.

If you'd rather use a Python dict directly, see the example in PyLucene's
python/collections.py module where a Python set is wrapped by a class
called JavaSet. The same could be implemented for the java.util.Map

        Tha HashMap()... method works fine for storing the metadata, and luke
shows that its there.  Of course getting the metadata back for later
comparison/display is also useful, and seemed like it would be
straightforward....  Naturally its not working using:

        indexMetaDataHashMap = reader.getCommitUserData()

        I get an empty hashmap back from the above.  I also tried using:

        indexCommit = reader.getIndexCommit
        indexMetaDataHashMap = indexCommit.getUserData()

with the same result (empty hashmap).  Is there a different way to do this?

If you're getting a HashMap back then the PyLucene side of things is working. If it's empty it could mean that you're doing something wrong Lucene-wise or that you found a bug there. Could it be that you opened the IndexReader before the IndexWriter got committed ? If so, reopen() it after commit or move the opening code. If not, you may want to ask about this on the Lucene user list at java-u...@lucene.apache.org.


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