On Jul 2, 2011, at 13:58, Christian Heimes <li...@cheimes.de> wrote:

> Am 01.07.2011 14:24, schrieb Andi Vajda:
>> The PyLucene 3.3.0-1 release closely tracking the recent release of Lucene
>> Java 3.3 is ready.
>> A release candidate is available from:
>> http://people.apache.org/~vajda/staging_area/
>> A list of changes in this release can be seen at:
>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/pylucene/branches/pylucene_3_3/CHANGES
>> PyLucene 3.3.0 is built with JCC 2.9 included in these release artifacts.
>> A list of Lucene Java changes can be seen at:
>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/tags/lucene_solr_3_3/lucene/CHANGES.txt
>> Please vote to release these artifacts as PyLucene 3.3.0-1.
> I've tested PyLucene 3.3 with your application, everything still works.
> I can't comment on new features, though.
> +1 from me
> By the way could you please keep a consistent version schema? You are
> slowly dropping the zero at the end. ;)
> pylucene-3.1.0-1-src.tar.gz   LUCENE_VER=3.1.0
> pylucene-3.2.0-1-src.tar.gz   LUCENE_VER=3.2
> pylucene-3.3-1-src.tar.gz     LUCENE_VER=3.3

I resisted the Lucene Java 0 droppage but it got the best of me. 


> Christian

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