On Sep 30, 2012, at 21:35, Caleb Burns <cpbu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> The current method to build JCC on Linux requires patching the setuptools 
> package. Would you be interested in a patch to JCC that monkey-patches the 
> setuptools Library and Extension classes to avoid the manual patch. It works 
> with setuptools-0.6c7-11 and distribute-0.6.1+ without the need of manually 
> patching setuptools. If this is not the proper place to propose a fix, please 
> let me know.

That would be great !
Could you please make your monkey patch detect the version of 
setuptools/distribute used and issue the same the same error message as is 
currently emitted by the JCC linux setup.py code when the version is not 
supported by your monkey patch, ie, when manual patching is still needed.

Thanks !


> Thanks,
> Caleb Burns

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