On Wed, 22 Aug 2018, Szymon Rutkowski wrote:

I managed to build Pylucene on Fedora 28, though it required some
tinkering: 1) symlinking libpython3.6 as libpython3.6m.so (this was
already reported some time ago I believe) 2) adding a line 216 in JCC's

What version of PyLucene ?

with_modern_setuptools = True

This obviously circumvents the earlier check made by this script. I
checked and the line "from setuptools.command.build_ext import
sh_link_shared_object" in helpers3/linux.py fails. Although DNF reports
my version of python3-setuptools as 39.2.0, and I built Pylucene with
these workarounds and as of yet it works fine for me. Monkey patching
done by setup.py seemed to work also when I did it manually from REPL.

Just to be sure I ran "sudo make test" for Pylucene and this is one
place where it fails, I don't know whether this could be related:

/usr/bin/python3 test3/test_PythonException.py
ERROR: testThroughLayerException (__main__.PythonExceptionTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "test3/test_PythonException.py", line 34, in
   qp.parse("foo bar")
lucene.JavaError: <unprintable JavaError object>

This failure often means you did not build JCC in 'shared' mode.

Ran 1 test in 0.011s

FAILED (errors=1)
/usr/bin/python3 test3/test_PositionIncrement.py
Ran 2 tests in 0.273s

This failure is unexpected but I can't tell you much more since I don't know what version of PyLucene and Lucene you are using ?


Kind regards,
Szymon Rutkowski

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