
Andrea Sterbini edited comment on PYLUCENE-55 at 8/21/20, 9:59 AM:

Thanks for the solution.

Still sometimes I find that something is missing. E.g. one of the methods I 
need is it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelNet.getSynsets(...), which has many 
implementations (I need at least the first three)

// from it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet.class
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
getSynsets(java.lang.String, it.uniroma1.lcl.jlt.util.Language);                
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
getSynsets(java.lang.String, it.uniroma1.lcl.jlt.util.Language, 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
Yet, after building and installing the module the resulting BabelNet class 
shows only 3 versions of the method
// from ... build/_babelnet/it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet.h
          ::java::util::List getSynsets(const JArray< 
::it::uniroma1::lcl::kb::ResourceID > &) const;                                 
          ::java::util::List getSynsets(const ::java::lang::String &) const;    
          ::java::util::List getSynsets(const ::java::lang::String &, jboolean) 
I have tried also to add the methods I need to the mappings but the result is 
the same, non-deterministic, the resulting module could have or could have not 
the methods.
// from the Makefile
MAPPING+=--mapping it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet     
MAPPING+=--mapping it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet     
MAPPING+=--mapping it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelSynset  
What is the reason for so different generated modules?

How the order of class wrapper generation influences the resulting methods?

Why some methods sometimes are NON generated?

was (Author: a.sterbini):
Thanks for the solution.

Still sometimes I find that something is missing. E.g. one of the methods I 
need is it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelNet.getSynsets(...), which has many 
implementations (I need at least the first three)

// from it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet.class
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
getSynsets(java.lang.String, it.uniroma1.lcl.jlt.util.Language);                
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
getSynsets(java.lang.String, it.uniroma1.lcl.jlt.util.Language, 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
  public java.util.List<it.uniroma1.lcl.babelnet.BabelSynset> 
Yet, after building and installing the module the resulting BabelNet class 
shows only 3 versions of the method


// from ... build/_babelnet/it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet.h
          ::java::util::List getSynsets(const JArray< 
::it::uniroma1::lcl::kb::ResourceID > &) const;                                 
          ::java::util::List getSynsets(const ::java::lang::String &) const;    
          ::java::util::List getSynsets(const ::java::lang::String &, jboolean) 
I have tried also to add the methods I need to the mappings but the result is 
the same, non-deterministic, the resulting module could have or could have not 
the methods.

// from the Makefile
MAPPING+=--mapping it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet     
MAPPING+=--mapping it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelNet     
MAPPING+=--mapping it/uniroma1/lcl/babelnet/BabelSynset  


What is the reason for so different generated modules?

How the order of class wrapper generation influences the resulting methods?

Why some methods sometimes are NON generated?






> JCC creates the classes in non-deterministic order
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: PYLUCENE-55
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PYLUCENE-55
>             Project: PyLucene
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Andrea Sterbini
>            Priority: Major
> I am trying to wrap the BabelNet API code.
> The resulting module is non-deterministically not-working (once every 5 I get 
> it OK).
> This seems to be related to the order the classes are handled, because they 
> are kept in a set, which has nondeterministic order.
> By changing cpp.py at line 696 to sort the class names I get a working module.
> {code:java}
> // changed from
> for cls in todo:
> {code}
> {code:java}
> // to
> for cls in sorted(todo, key=lambda c: c.getName()):{code}
> I have been luky with this way to order the classes. Possibly a better 
> algorithm exists to fix this bug. 

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