Hi Phil,

Excellent !

Yes, I'd accept a patch that makes your feature available via a new command line flag to JCC (don't forget to document it in __main__.py).

It's ok to only send in a patch for the python3 version (under jcc3). The python2 version (under jcc2) is maintenance only, don't bother.

Thanks !


On Sun, 28 Feb 2021, Phil wrote:

Thanks very much for the reply Andi.

I've done a bit more digging and the short answer is you can't do what I
wanted with the current JCC..... but, it turns out it was fairly
straightforward to tweak JCC to provide me with the all details I needed.

I successfully made this work today with Guix with the project
that previously used JCC to build a wheel.

Do you accept patches onto the subversion source trunk? - I could
prepare a very simple, optional extension to dump out the data I needed.
If I have time I also could write something which would fully automate
the entire process in the future.

Some more details below.

Andi Vajda writes:

I did not write the bdist nor the wheel support, they were contributed
and I don't now that --wheel makes a binary wheel, specifically.
Note that you have binaries in whatever you distribute, if you
consider that the JAR files or the .class files are binaries. They are
required (.class files are) for JCC to operate as it uses reflection
to do its job.

Yes the --wheel switch implies that the C++ build will be performed.

I agree the JAR/.class files will always be binaries, but it is
possible to distribute a package which contains only the JARs as
binaries, along with python API and unbuilt C/C++, with a setup.py,
describing the build process.

This delays the calling of setuptools, and thus the building the C++ to
package install time rather than wheel creation time - and allows us to
create a regular setup.py file.

If you don't invoke JCC with --wheel, --bdist, --build or --compile,
you get just source files (not countng .jar).

Almost - you get the C++, but no setup.py or python wrapper generated.
At least this was the case for me.

However, if you build the wheel the build directories do contain
everything you need apart from the setup.py - you just need to lift the
right files out and put them into the right directory structure.

To create a setup.py you need both the setup and extension arguments
generated by JCC.  Normally these are fed straight into setuptools by
JCC, but we can leak them out instead.

JCC already ouputs the setup arguments to stdout, so the only change I
had to do to the source was to also output the extension args
dictionary to stdout too, towards the end of:

extensions = [Extension('.'.join([moduleName, extname]), **args)]

print("extensions args = %s" % args) # I added this

Then at the bottom the setuptools args are already output to stdout:

print("setup args = %s" % args)


My setup.py then contains a call to setuptools.setup() providing same
**args structure generated by the script (I'd link it here to demonstrate this,
but the repo is behind the a firewall, alas).

This plus a tiny bit of tweaking and boilerplate gives me exactly what I want.

Maybe what you actually want is to implement 'sdist' support for JCC ?
(again, not familiar with wheels, so I may not be making sense here).

I thought this too - but I couldn't get it to work.

I tried passing '--extra-setup-arg sdist' into JCC, but this got the
same result as not passing --build or --wheel as discussed above.  Only
C++ is generated.

As long as GUIX knows how to drive a C++ compiler and linker, build
python extensions (and knows how to build the libjcc shared library),
you should be fine.

Yep this all works perfectly in Guix once we have a regular python repo
containing the source with the setup.py as described.

The only downside is the whole thing is rather manual now - I'd like to
tweak JCC to make this more streamlined - let me know if a patch
interests you?

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