Dear Andi

I probably missed the mail to vote, I apoligize for that. At Antwerp University 
we still use PyLucene for several purposes on production services. So please 
continue the good work.

Best regards


dr. Bart Moelans  
Technologisch Manager

Bibliotheek UAntwerpen
Stadscampus - Lokaal Ve35.304
Venusstraat 35 - 2000 Antwerpen - Belgiƫ
T +32 486 78 01 85

From: Andi Vajda <>
Date: Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 20:48
To: <>, <>
Subject: The future of the PyLucene project
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

  Hi PyLucene users and Lucene PMC,

A week ago, on Wednesday February 21st, I started a voting thread for
qualifying a new PyLucene release candidate to catch-up with the recent
Lucene 9.10.0 release and fix a bug in JCC.

Usually these voting threads get a couple of +1 for PyLucene users before
getting votes from a couple of people on the Lucene PMC, always the same
ones ;-) Three PMC +1 votes -> a release can happen.

This time, crickets, the voting thread has been completely quiet.

If there are no PyLucene users anymore, maybe it's time to shut the project
down ? Personally, I think that the "software value" in the project is all
in JCC. PyLucene itself is 99% machine generated by JCC around Java Lucene.

Of course, having Java Lucene available that way from Python is pretty cool
so I don't want diminish PyLucene's "usage value", but from a software
engineering standpoint, the itch, if you prefer, all the cool stuff is done
in JCC.

If the Lucene PMC agrees and no PyLucene users come forward, I propose the
   - shutdown the PyLucene project
   - fork JCC to my gitlab 
 where it can
     get the occasional fix or improvement before being released to PyPI.
     JCC has been distributed from PyPI forever,<>
     so JCC users shouldn't even notice this...

What do you all think ?
This message is not a vote, I'm just trying to gauge interest in PyLucene
and JCC.


ps: for those who have never heard of PyLucene, it is a sub-project of
     Apache Lucene hosted here:<>
pps: for those who have never heard of JCC, it is a sub-project of PyLucene
       hosted here:<>

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