On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 15:56:45 +0100, Helmut Jarausch  

> In a small web application (using Karrigell-3.0)
> I display hits, one in each web page when the user
> presses the 'Next' button.
> For this I have to save Lucene's state, e.g.
> by saving it in a Session object 'This' like
> This.Hits= S_Common.Searcher.search(query)
> This.NumHits= len(This.Hits)
> This.highlighter =  
> Highlighter(SimpleHTMLFormatter('<em>','</em>'),SimpleHTMLEncoder(),QueryScorer(query))
> This.highlighter.setTextFragmenter(NullFragmenter())
> Unfortunately, this does not work since Karrigell-3.0 uses 'pickle' to
> store the Session data to disk but e.g. an object of type 'Highlighter'
> or of type QueryParser  cannot be pickled.
> Is there any solution except abandoning Karrigel-3.0 ?
> I have no experience with other small webservers written in pure
> Python. Has somebody experience with Cherrypy + PyLucene ?

CherryPy stores the SessionData default to RAM (although disk based  
storage is available). But why dont you store the relevant Lucene results  
in your own Python structures (lists, dicts ...), so you dont need to make  
that transition.


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