Hello There,

I have this geforce4 ti 4400 with the latest nvidia
drivers and xfree86 4.2

Problem: The lines are always colored the same color as the
background. If I change the background to white the lines become

all other representaions (sticks, spheres surface) work
fine. So as a workaround I am using stick_radius really small
but this is not the same, lines are way better for interactive work.

Weird thing is, the same happens under Win2k (dual boot machine
here so exactly the same hardware).

More weirdness: also happens with Ono under both OSes.

My feeling is that this has to do with the z-buffer/fog
thingy. I did run a program drawing (GL_LINES) with GL_DEPTH_TEST
enabled and that worked fine.

any clues?

 Ezequiel Panepucci - Laboratory of Prof. Axel Brunger
 HHMI - Stanford University
 Phone: 650-926-5127
 Cell:  650-714-9414

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