Ok. Thanks all. Cracked it.

The Macally driver was indeed the culprit. I had installed it way back in
OSX 10.1 or maybe before that even when the standard Apple driver did
nothing for my scroll wheel etc. I had just kept updating it thinking it was
needed. Just run the uninstaller (which you can get by downloading from
http://www.macally.com/techsupport/drivers.html ) in case, like me, you had
ditched it. A system reboot is needed.

In 10.2.1 at least all Macally mouse functions are supported by the Apple
driver and proper 3 button control is present in PyMOL. :-)

Uninstall seems to be the only option as the Macally utility for customising
what the buttons do on an application by application basis does not include
an option of excluding an application such as PyMOL. Correct me if I missed
something though. :-(

| Materials Modelling Group\
| Materials Science & Eng.  \
| University of Liverpool   /
| UK .---------------------'

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