
I'm trying to cycle through the various protonation states of a Histidine
residue (HIE,HIP,HID).  I have resn and the residue number stored as
'curr_state' and 'i' respectively.  My first shot at a function looked
basically like this (the real function has a a doc string and some gunk to
set up curr_state and i):

    cmd.remove('(hydro and neighbor %s/ND1,NE2)' % i)
    if curr_state == 'HIE':
        cmd.alter('%s/' % i,'resn="HID"')
    elif curr_state == 'HID':
        cmd.alter('%s/' % i,'resn="HIP"')
    elif curr_state == 'HIP':
        cmd.alter('%s/' % i,'resn="HIE"')

After I run this, it looks like nothing has changed.  I can use something

    iterate (114/),print resn

to see that the resn has in fact changed, but the hydrogens end up right
where they were when I started.

I've tried progressively more complex things, like this:

    cmd.remove('(hydro and neighbor %s/ND1,NE2)' % i)
    if curr_state == 'HIE':
        print "Changing HIE to HID"
        cmd.alter('%s/' % i,'resn="HID"')
        cmd.alter('%s/ND1' % i,'formal_charge=1.0')
        cmd.h_add('%s/ND1' % i)
        cmd.alter('%s/NE2' % i,'formal_charge=0.0')
        cmd.iterate('%s/ND1,NE2'%i,'print formal_charge,partial_charge')
    elif curr_state == 'HID':
        print "Changing HID to HIP"
        cmd.alter('%s/' % i,'resn="HIP"')
        cmd.alter('%s/ND1' % i,'formal_charge=1.0')
        cmd.h_add('%s/ND1' % i)
        cmd.alter('%s/NE2' % i,'formal_charge=1.0')
        cmd.h_add('%s/NE2' % i)
        cmd.iterate('%s/ND1,NE2'%i,'print formal_charge,partial_charge')
    elif curr_state == 'HIP':
        print "Changing HIP to HIE"
        cmd.alter('%s/' % i,'resn="HIE"')
        cmd.alter('%s/ND1' % i,'formal_charge=0.0')
        cmd.alter('%s/NE2' % i,'formal_charge=1.0')
        cmd.h_add('%s/NE2' % i)
        cmd.iterate('%s/ND1,NE2'%i,'print formal_charge,partial_charge')

But I think I may just be on the wrong track.  The last snippet *appears*
to work for NE2 (and not for ND1), but I think that's just because the his
was an HIE to begin with.

Any hints?



This isn't a democracy;|                        _  |Michael Lerner
 it's a cheer-ocracy.  | ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) |   Michigan
-Torrence,  Bring It On|  - against HTML email  X  |  Biophysics
                       |                       / \ | mler...@umich

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