
Are you sure this is not just an effect of the clipping planes?  Try a
command such as

        clip slab, 100

to view a slab of 100A in the Z-axis - this should make all your spheres


On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 06:55, Denis Shcherbakov wrote:
> Hello all,
> Has anyone else experienced "blacking out" of parts of your stereo model
> as you turn it to certain angles?  For me, if I have a box full of spheres
> and I start rotating it about, I get a few spheres "closest" to the viewer
> getting blackened out.  I think it's a shadowing and/or lighting issue.  I
> tried using two-sided light source, and that makes the blackness go away,
> but the spheres that were otherwise blackened simply disappear from view!
> Warren said this should be fixed in an upcoming release, but has anyone
> devised a work-around yet?  Has anyone run into this problem?  If so, how
> have you been dealing with it?
> Appreciated
> Denis
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