* Armand Tepper <wjwtep...@yahoo.com> [2003-04-15 04:09] wrote:
> Dear all,
> 1) In a future version of Pymol, would it be possible
> to parametrize the POVray output such that all
> textures, finishes etc. are declared once as variables
> (e.g. something like #declare carbon_texture =
> texture....) ? Now the textures are defined for every
> primitive (atoms, bonds, triangles) individually,
> making changing image appearance a heavy search and
> replace job.

I'd like to second this. It would make editing easier, although
I have found it possible to do with vim as long as I pick easily
distinquishable colours for the different parts of the image.

> 2) when the Pymol built-in image rendering is used,
> the slab/clipping of the current view is used for the
> rendering. Instead, the POVray output includes the
> whole object regardless of the part that is clipped in
> the Pymol view. Are there any workarounds for this?

I'm not sure that I agree with this, but then when I want to use POVray
I'm not simply wanting to render what I can see in the PyMOL view, since
I find the PyMOL rendering sufficient for most "normal" images.  But
this is simply my opinion.  :)

Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.                         <r...@post.queensu.ca>
Senior Research Associate                            phone: 613-533-6821
Dept. of Biochemistry, Queen's University,             fax: 613-633-2497
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6  Canada       http://adelie.biochem.queensu.ca/~rlc
    PGP Fingerprint: 9B49 3D3F A489 05DC B35C  8E33 F238 A8F5 F635 C0E2

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