> I just download PYMOL into my Linux and it's working very nicely but I
> want to check
> whether it is possible to move a pdb file within a 3D density map
> independently to get a
> best fitting.

Yes, you can move the molecule, but not the map.

First, get into editing mode:


(or select 3 Button Editing Mode from the Mouse menu, if you have one)

Then, to move the whole molecule:

shift-middle-click-and-drag on the molecule to translate
shift-left-click-and-drag on the molecule to rotate 
ctrl-shift-middle-click on an atom to reset origin of rotation

To rotate bonds,

Ctrl-right-click-and-drag.  Always click on the "mobile" side of the
bond, otherwise, you'll end up moving the wrong portion of the molecule.

To write out the new coordinates...

save file.pdb, object-name 

NOTE: some of the above is specific to version 0.90, so make sure that's
the version you have.


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