Hi Warren and all,

My student is experiencing a crash every time she attempts to open a .pse saved session file. The file is of a large trimeric molecule in a cartoon and space fill representation with different coloured domains

Hardware: PC, Athalon, 1gb ram, ATI radeon 8500 video card, 2 monitors dual head.
OS: Redhat 8.0, Xig.com Summit 2.2 X-server for hardware stereo.
software: pymol-0.90-1.rh8.0.py22  RPM installation

On loading the .pse file the computer thinks for a bit, and it looks like when it attempts to display the molecule the viewing window resizes to that which was saved, then the screen goes weird on the monitor the viewing window is on,
the mouse pointer vanished and the keyboard is non responsive,
forcing us to press the reset button to reboot. Looks like a big Xserver crash.

Any ideas?



Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
Cell Biology
Department of biological and environmental science
PO Box  35
University of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylä FIN 40014
+358 (0)14 260 4183 (work)
+358 (0)414740463 (mob)


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