Hi Stephen,

* Stephen Graham <steph...@mail.usyd.edu.au> [2003-09-18 21:02] wrote:
> First up: Is there any way to tell PyMol *not* to change its view when 
> loading a
> PDB file?  For viewing in general, and for movies w/ morphs (etc.) in 
> particular
> it would be nice to not have to re-set the view each time I load a new
> co-ordinate set.

Yes.  that one is easy.

  set auto_zoom, 0

I have that set in my .pymolrc file, along with several other settings.

I'm afraid that I'm even more of a movie novice and so cannot answer
your other questions!

Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.                         <r...@post.queensu.ca>
Senior Research Associate                            phone: 613-533-6821
Dept. of Biochemistry, Queen's University,             fax: 613-533-2497
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6  Canada       http://adelie.biochem.queensu.ca/~rlc
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