Dear All,

Help, I don't know what I am doing wrong. I want to load a dimer into pymol, 3GRS, the standard PDF file from the PDB bank only gives co-ordinates for a monomer but if I download the PDB file for the biological unit

If I load 3grs.pdb1 into pymol it still only shows a monomer.

If I edit out "ENDMDL" after the co-ordinates for the first monomer , pymol will then show a dimer with sidechains or sticks but if I try to draw a cartoon it messes up and draws the ribbons ect all wrong.

I tried to also change all the A's in the second set of co-ordinates to B's indicating subunit B but still it does not work.

Is there a program I can use that will fix my pdb files downloaded from pdb bank into correct format for pymol?

Also, once I get the dimer loaded properly I want to colour each of the four domains. How will I do that?

Mac OS X 10.2.6 / x11 0.3 / pymol-0_90-bin-osx.dmg

Well I managed to make it work after editiing out all the ENDMDL comments and making the second subunit with B's and duplicating the comments for Helix and Sheets then replacing A'S with B .

Are these errors in the original biological unit file or a bug in pymol?

Also still tring to work out how to label eg residues 1-124 red 125-250 blue ect, how do I do this?


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