Hi All-

Will reading in a structural ensemble ....

load pdb01.pdb, ens
load pdb02.pdb, ens

... automagically align the structures? If not, do I need to run another command, such as ' intra_fit (name ca) ' ? Or should I use normal 'fit'?

Also, what is the best method for determining the RMS of the ensemble? There are a few commands in the reference manual (rms, rms_cur, intra_rms, intra_rms_cur), and I'm confused as to which is best for structural ensembles.

Or, to save typing, is there a current web resource for using PyMOL with NMR models (with hints, scripts, etc.)? One thing I /miss/ from MOLMOL is the 'sausage' display -- has anyone implemented this in PyMOL yet?


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