
        PyMOL only support one kind stereo of stereo: OpenGL
quad-buffered-stereo.  It's unclear to me from your message that your
Octane can support QBS.  Sybyl, I believe, can run using top/bottom
stereo, so I am not sure that is a reliable indicator...

PyMOL usually autodetects QBS on X11-based hardware, if it is available.
If "stereo quadbuffer" doesn't work then you may be out of luck on that

(FYI: On the Indigo2's, if you had a lower-end graphics option, it was
necessary to change the video mode to a lower resolution in order to get
QBS...perhaps the same is true of your system?)


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154 
Fax   (650)-593-4020

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:pymol-users-
>] On Behalf Of Christian Rummey
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 4:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] SGI Crystal Eyes Problem
> Dear all,
> I'd like to use pymol with our sgi shutter glasses, which are standard
> ones
> on an sgi octane R12000, working fine e.g. with Tripos SYBYL.
> when I try to use them with pymol, the default stereo setting isn't
> quad-buffer (which means it is not available?), and if I manually set
> stereo mode
> to 1 (= quad buffer) I can see the correct picture (objects are drawn
> 'twice'), but the display doesn't enter stereo mode and the
> accordingly
> do not work.
> Is there something I miss? - that needs to be configured before quad
> buffer
> works on an sgi?
> any hints ary highly appreciated!
> thanks,
> christian
> --
> Christian Rummey
> --
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